что для тебя свобода ?
возможность,чувство ,цель всей жизни, а может пустой звук какого это быть свободным?
говорить честно
заявлять прямо о себе на очередном семейном ужине
не отводить взгляда при очередных вопросах окружающих .
быть честным с собой
может просто надеть то,что любишь,
какого это любить человека,которого любить нельзя?
постоянно жить в тревоге и страхе за себя и за него.
бояться держать его руку в своей при обычной прогулке по улицам города . постоянно
быть готовым защищаться от чужих слов и действии,ведь ты не знаешь чего ожидать от
что есть любовь?
ожидание смешанное со страхом создает то самое чувство,порой которое отзывается в
груди ,
не давая вздохнуть ,
будто на секунду ты перестаешь существовать,
репетиция смерти в её романтизированых чертах.
приятная боль от которой слезы выступают сами собой и в тот же момент высыхают.
я задыхаюсь.
этими словами я описываю любовь, любовь за которую всё ещё могут убить
любое проявление любви не должно оставаться в глубине души обреченное на
собственное осуждение и презрение
свободна ли я?
свободен ли ты?
What does freedom mean to you?
An opportunity, a feeling, a purpose in life, or maybe it's nothing
How does it feel to be free?
To speak freely
To speak up at the next family dinner
Don't look away when people ask you questions Be honest with yourself
Maybe just wear what you love
What's it like to love someone you can't love?
Live in constant anxiety and fear for yourself and for them
Be afraid to hold their hand in yours for a casual walk through the city streets
Be constantly ready to defend yourself from others' words and actions, because you do not know what to expect from others
What is love?
The expectation mixed with fear creates a feeling that sometimes reverberates in your chest, and you can't breathe
As if for a second you ceased to exist
A rehearsal of death in its romanticized features
"A pleasant pain that makes the tears come out by themselves and dry up at the same moment I suffocate
With these words I'm describing love, love that can still be killed
Any expression of love must not remain deep down condemned and despised Am I free?
Are you free?"

Queerdos (ne)natural (in)vizibil queer
We are always precarious, open, oozing into other bodies/stories – in (ne)natural (in)vizibil queer nine unapologetically queer bodies form the base of a socio-political practice of healing and nourishment, which becomes their queer ceremony.
Often, as queer people, we are framed in opposition to nature or the so-called “natural law” (think reproduction, the gender binary, heteronormative patriarchal structures of society) – all the more we want to reclaim nature as a messy queer concept. Queer ecologies help us think through and undo the deceiving comfort of the world as ruled by the white male-identified cis-gendered human. (ne)natural (in)visible queer tackles this image with bodily performative expressivity, intimate storytelling, and dance. This performance was developed in the Summer of 2021 during the Queerdos ACTing UP Workshop in Rîșcova, Moldova
A Queerdos Kollektiv 2021 Production
Doy Romanta Dochitan Dandelion Gabriela Rotaru Niura
Valeria Bejenaru
Vasile Micleusanu
Serghei Reulet
Direction, dramaturgy and concept
Queerdos Kollektiv
Music Composition
Tom Schwartz
Set Design
Luqua Bertin
Simona Klaniute
Video Production
Symbol Media
Mikhail Kalarashan
The performance is part of the Queerdos ACTing Up - summer camp program developed and implemented in Moldova by the Queerdos Kollektiv and produced by Asociatia MOLDOX and Queer Voices Festival with the support of the Embassy Office of the Netherlands in Moldova. It aims to empower LGBTQIA+ people in the Republic of Moldova as active participants in the process of healing and cross-community solidarization.